Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Just some thoughts

There is this 'game' called 'Lie detector test' on MIX.FM every morning. Ever since it started 'scandals' have surface thru the national radio,which is quite interesting actually.

NOTE : I didn't say enjoy seeing people falling, but I say it's interesting. Anyway that's not the point here. The point is this idea came into my mind. Why not strap both Anwar Ibrahim & Saiful to the chair? It is said the lie detector machine got very high accuracy(some say 100%). Instead wasting tax payer money and time. Right? Maybe through this test, it can ease the police in finding new evidence(reverse engineering, anybody? :) ). Instead of pointing fingers and swearing to the Quran and whatever, I'm sure this is a much more faster. And I haven't even touch on Altantuya case. So what say you? :)

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